Thursday, October 2, 2014

Chocolate, Cup, Towel, & a Card...

Odd title, I suppose.

This morning, as I went to fill my Polar Pop cup with ice, I saw a CVS bag stuffed in my mailbox.  My first thought was a parent had dropped off treats for my classroom.  Then, I noticed a card and realized my secret pal had made a delivery.

Before ever untying the knot on the bag, I smile.  I had no clue what exactly was inside, but I smiled knowing that someone else had thought of me.  Aren't we all like that?  Don't we all find joy in knowing others have positive thoughts aimed in our direction.  This made me think of the parent-teacher conferences that conclude this evening.

I remember, back many moons ago, how nervous I would be on a day like today.  As a newer teacher, I would worry that parents would come in with negative thoughts directed at me.  Who wants that?  No one likes to be judged, and I often felt that although the goal is to share how my students are doing that parents would be coming in with their own evaluation of me.  Now, my nerves stay calm.  Yes, I know that some parents may not be my biggest fans, but I also know that I'm doing what I'm called to do and doing it as well as I the nerves are minimal.

So, I entered the room, and as my student teacher taught the language arts' block, I found LOTS of lovely treats.  Each made me have some ponderings...which prompted my post today.

First, I found a really cool jar-shaped clear mug with a straw.  You know, one of those plastic ones, only it has a handle.  That rocks!  Now, most people may not be as excited about this item, but they don't have an ornery cat who find great joy in knocking over beverages.  I may be 44 years old, but I generally drink out of cups/glasses that have lids & straws due to the bade habits of Jasper.  So, what thought did this cup trigger?  I'm glad you asked...

I like to think of myself of a "glass half-full" type of girl.  We all know people who are "glass half-empty" people, and to be honest...we can all be that person.  However, my principal shared another thought with me earlier this year.  Rather than being a "half-full" person...he said he saw a quote that said, "It doesn't matter if it's half full or half empty, just be glad you have a cup."  So, this morning, as I looked at my new cup...I thought, "Hmm, be thankful you have a cup."

Then, I found a pretty burgundy kitchen towel with autumn leaves on it.  My first thought was, "How pretty!  I'll have to display it in the kitchen."  Then, I started pondering, as I often do.  No, I'm not going to display it...I'm going to use it.  Why save it when it was made to be used?  This prompted me to think of talents and abilities that God has given me that I "save" for later or choose not to use here and now.  That reminded me of a quote by Erma Bombeck that is hanging in my office at home.  It states, "When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and could say, 'I used everything you gave me.'"  That's my hope...that I will use every bit of talent He's given me...whether it's making silly voices, singing, writing, organizing, or whatever.  Are you using your talents?

Then, there was...chocolate.  I'm not talking "a little chocolate"...I'm talking CHOCOLATE.  First, there was a Russell Stover's S'mores. I confess.  I'm eating it during my prep period, but it's quite I'm spacing out the enjoyment.  Then, there was a bag of Pretzel M&Ms.  I'm taking those home to save for later or to take to a Sunday School gathering (if I'm good and don't open them).  Our class is called "The M&Ms", so it's quite appropriate.  Then, a bag of mini candy bars.  I saved the Krackle, put the dark chocolate in a bag for a friend, and put the milk chocolate & Mr. Goodbars out for my students to share.  Honestly, I could easily enjoy all of it, but that's not a good choice.  Sharing is a good choice.  Allow the treat to bring others joy as well.  Plus, that may they get to share the calories, too!  That, of course, made me think of the importance of sharing what we have. A whole handful of students came back to thank me for "sharing" my candy. I told them whenever I learn the name of my secret pal that I would share their appreciation with her.  So, what have you shared lately?  It can be as simple as a hug, a smile, or a joke...but share something.  Be a blessing.

The final item in the CVS bag was a card.  It reminded me that "Happy thoughts brighten our days" and wished me a happy fall break.  Both are worth keeping in mind.  Literally!  Our thoughts are powerful things!  If we dwell on the negative, we become grouchy and negative, but if we choose to dwell on the positive then our light will shine.  Are you shining?

Well, there you go.  Those are the ponderings of a 3rd grade teacher opening a CVS bag full of surprises.  Thanks for reading!

But let the godly rejoice. Let them be glad in God's presence. Let them be filled with joy.
Psalm 68:3

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