Wow! First, I apologize to those who read my writings for the amount of time it's been since my last post. Since I took three hours out of my planning for my classroom to serve as a tutor, it seems I used my "blog writing" time to make up for part of it.
Now, for the thoughts at hand. Busyness! I don't know about you, but it seems that once Thanksgiving week hits, I'm in a sprint until Christmas break begins. I say that with the understanding that I generally have 75% of my Christmas shopping finished before Thanksgiving ever arrives. Yes, I'm one of "those" people...who buys gifts for people all year long, when I see something that says, "Mom would like that. Dianna would like that. I'll get that for Mary." Then, I put them in my "gift closet".
So, why am I so busy? Well, it seems like we stuff more and more into this month. Honestly, I can't think of anything in my schedule that I wouldn't want there, so what's a girl to do?
Easy...BE STILL.
Yes, my heart verse Psalm 46:10 tells me what to do. In the midst of my busyness, I need to stop. I need to be still. I need to know He is God.
You see, I wouldn't trade my "Christmas Around the World" unit for anything. It's a blast sharing a glimpse of other cultures and their customs with my third graders. It's a lot of work. It's exhausting. Yet, it's also the "something" they remember when years go by, so it'll stay as long as we're allowed to teach without using a textbook. However, there are days before school, after school, or even during my prep period...when I just need to stop. Take a deep breath. Say a prayer. Acknowledge the One who gave me the heart for teaching, who placed these children in my classroom, who created me with gifts & talents I use daily. Yes, in the midst of a busy school day, I must be still.
Then, we have my CBC activities. Whether it's decorating the sanctuary, shopping for the kids my SS class has for Christmas, practicing the Christmas music, or attending weekly services...I can't delete them from my schedule. The shining decorated Christmas trees make me smile. The presents will bring joy to the hearts of the four kids for whom we're buying. The Christmas music is part of my heart. I love singing. I love music. So, what better use of my affection for both than singing in the cantata? Yet, as these events conclude, I must pause. I must praise the One who calls me to serve. I must glorify the One who calls me His daughter. Yes, I will continue to participate in those events, but I must maintain an attitude of praise rather than duty.
Then, we mustn't forget the fun of the holidays. Whether it's the pitch-in at school, the Christmas party for our Sunday School class, the Christmas dinner and festivities for my small group, the Big Brothers & Big Sisters annual Christmas dinner, or simply celebrations and dinners scheduled with my friends...I will celebrate. I will enjoy. However, I must keep my focus on the Son not the fun. I must remember the reason we gather is the Reason for the season. In the midst of the celebrating and the laughter, I must be still. I must ponder the Child who was born to save the world.
Please, enjoy this season. Don't be someone who wishes it would simply be over with. Yes, I know there's a lot of heartbreak associated with this holiday as well. I remember the Christmas when my grandma passed away in December, and it was difficult for me as a child to understand. I also recall the empty spot that's in my heart when I remember my grandpa and other family members who are no longer with us. Yes, those things may still bring tears, but in the midst of the sadness, I must remember the joy. Joy! God loved us so much He gave us The first Christmas present as He sent His Son to earth. Ahhh, how can I not rejoice?
In closing, I'll share some lyrics from the song I lifted in worship last week. It's entitled "I Believe", recorded by Natalie Grant. A song to remind us there's a reason to celebrate. So, be still and enjoy the season. Celebrate the One who was born to die on a cross for you and for me. Celebrate Jesus!
"In a land far way, time stood still--long ago.
There were shepherds in field, or at least this is how the story goes,
The story goes.
Woman with child and an inn with no room.
Born in a manger foretelling it too.
This is how the story goes.
But it's more than a fable, and it's more than a fairy tale
And more than my mind can conceive.
I believe.
The Wisemen saw the Baby Boy the angels called the Son of God
Heaven's Child, The great I am,
Born to take away my sins through nail pierced hands.
Emmanuel has come.
I believe.
Two thousand years, still the story lives on.
God's gift to us, sent to earth wrapped in flesh.
His only Son, His only Son.
And the heartbeat of heaven confounded our wisdom,
But it's still the simple truth that sets us free.
I believe.
The Wisemen saw the Baby Boy the angels called the Son of God
Heaven's Child, The great I am,
Born to take away my sins through nail pierced hands.
Emmanuel has come.
I believe.
Precious Child, how can it be
That God's great plan for history
Would send you to the lonely tree
That You would die for one like me.
I believe in The Cross.
I believe He came from one, He came for all.
Heaven's Child became a man
Took away my sin through nail pierced hands.
I believe.
Christmas lives in me.
I believe.
Hear the song by visiting this Youtube link.
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