"The power of purple!"
Now, to many people and in many classrooms, this would mean nothing. But, in room 302...it means, "Miss P, I know you love purple, so I'm using purple to make you smile." And, I did.
They were seeking to please someone else. They were striving to make someone else feel special by their action. They wanted me to know that they were thinking of me. Aww, how sweet is that!
Then, it occurred to me...how very much like them I am.
Are you?
For example, when my administrator mentions something he or she wants to see in the classroom, I strive to incorporate it. The principal likes technology and actively engaged students, so I pull in Edmodo and an active rotation in language arts' instruction. My assistant principal is encouraging data collection & student-involved goal-setting, appropriate RTI, independent choices, and no more round robin reading. So, I create charts for data and goals. I attempt to figure out how to make RTI more effective. I let go of my organized/structured/teacher-directed independent work and allow students to have a "choice". I veto round robin reading, no matter how often students request it and do whisper reading, choral reading, and independent reading.
Yes, I'm a pleaser.
But, then....I also try and make people feel special. If someone is teary eyed one day, don't we all try to do something to help them smile. Whether it's a short note, a small gift, or just a hug...helping others who are going through a rough time is an easy thing for all of us to do.
So, then...I take it a step farther and ponder...
Do I do the same towards the One who created me? Do I strive to hear His instruction through His Word and apply it to my life? Do I earnestly attempt to show Him through my thoughts, words, and actions how much He means to me? Do I become so wrapped up in pleasing people that I forget to focus on the One whom should be pleased?
Yep, these are the thoughts that a simple phrase like "The Power of Purple" brings to mind.
"For we are God's masterpiece.
He has created us anew in Christ Jesus,
so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago."
Ephesians 2:11
He has created us anew in Christ Jesus,
so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago."
Just ponder what the exclamation, "My armpits stink, Miss P!" made me consider....
Love this :)!