Friday, August 24, 2018

Just Another Hat

Let me just begin with this truth... I only wear an actual hat on "hat day" during spirit week or when I'm outside for an extended period of time and someone tells me, "Put on this hat or your scalp is going to fry."  So...I'm not a hat girl.

But this week...I was pondering my newest endeavor and started thinking of the many hats I wear.

First, there's my career as a teacher.  Now, the educator's hat is multifaceted.  It covers a wise professor, an entertainer, a bookkeeper, a judge, a counselor, a police officer.  The hat changes from one minute to the next.  I wear this hat the longest each day.

One of the most enjoyable hats I wear is my "aunt hat".  Since I've never had my own child, I have learned to excel in my "aunt hat".  This summer, Connor pointed out that he and I don't have the typical aunt/nephew relationship.  We text each other puns.  I attended many of his sporting events.  I kept him at my house during the summer days before he learned to drive.  This summer, we even co-produced a picture book.  Yep, anyone who knows me and speaks to me would know I have a nephew who is "my most favorite nephew in the whole entire world".  The aunt hat is similar to my sister hat and daughter hat.  My family matters, so these hast are an important part of who I am.

Occasionally, I don the "singer hat".  Mostly, this is part of my weekly worship time with my church family.   However, here and there, I toss it on a bit while teaching.  Ask my kiddos.  They will attest that I've already broken out in song a few times in room 302 this year. There have been four times I've accessorized myself with this hat during a wedding; three times I sang while friends married and the fourth I was the hired wedding singer. I learned I'm much better suited for singing at a friend's wedding rather than being a paid wedding singer.  Then, once I was asked to sing at the funeral of the wife of one of my church's founding members. 

My newest hat is that of an author.  I try to devote some hours each weekend to wearing this hat.  I find after a long day of teaching, I'm not very focused in my thoughts to weave them into tales or poetry.  However, the eagerness at which my 302 kiddos encourage "the next book" spurs me on like a crowd cheering at a marathon.  Just like the little engine, "I think I can, I think I can."

However, the hat that I hope is under each of them is the hat of my faith.  I pray my faith shines through my teaching, singing, writing, and relating.  In the end, it's the hat that won't fade away or be exchanged or wear out.  It's the one that makes

So, what hat are you wearing?

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Energy of Excitement

Earlier this week, I received the "proof" copy of Jasper's ABC Book.  My students may have been more excited than I was.  As I opened it, the screaming became louder and louder.  When it was opened, I read it, and even though they had read it to me a week and a half earlier...they still laughed at all the right parts and made comments that made my "author's heart" smile.  Plus, I was the "teacher" taking advantage of the figurative language that "Jasper" uses as he walks through the alphabet.

Then, the next day, they asked if "Jasper's book" was in the library.  I had to let them know that I had an error, so I had to edit and resubmit the document.  They were undaunted and assured me that "it won't be much longer, Miss P."  Then, they continue to tell me I should "pay him" (my illustrator & nephew) more than the stated percentage.  Ummm...maybe next book.

Of course, with all leads to other things...what did this week's excitement lead to? 
First, the completion of a book trailer that I didn't share until the book became available to purchase. 
It also prompted my students to ask, "When is your next picture book coming out, Miss Pflaumer?"  I told him that Connor agreed to work on the next set of illustrations over his Christmas break. 
Then, another student said, "I think you should do a chapter book next.  I want to read your chapter book."  [Umm, how did he know?]  On Thursday, I had two previous students stop by my room, and they both looked through the book.  The father of one informed me that his daughter wants me to do a chapter book next. continues. 

The book was approved this morning, and I had the trailer posted on Facebook before lunch.  Then, as I'm reading through posts, a sweet friend from Tennessee posted that she had just purchased a copy!  Awww, my cup overflows.  The son of this sweet couple whose wedding I sang at...will soon be reading a copy of my first book.  A dream fulfilled....

Now...the dream expands.
My first chapter book, "Kitten Chronicles", is ready to be proofread and then begin the self-publishing process.
Poetry that I've written since high school is starting to get typed into a document just in case I ever feel the prompting to share those.
My thoughts of my 27 year journey as a substitute teacher and third grade teacher are getting organized. to do list tells me I'm supposed to add my author information to Goodreads and then share my trailer link in a few avenues that might spread it beyond my friend circle....I'm even contemplating trying to schedule an "author visit" to nearby schools during my fall break. fun!

Anyway...thanks for reading...and sharing the journey to my dream.  Blessings to all!

Book Trailer
Now available for purchase.
However, I will be selling autographed copies locally during Old Court Days on September 28-30 at a booth with author, David Kummer.  Copies sold by me will be less than the Amazon price. [I'll post the price when I have it computed.]
Also, if I can find a local business that would let me set up a small author table to sell before then, I would be willing to do that as well...when my personal copies arrive.
Jasper's ABC Book
Author FB Page

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Ah, 23...Looks Like a Good Year

As of 2:55 pm on Thursday, August 9, 2018, I have completed my first week of year 23.  Based on first impressions, I believe this is going to be a good year.

So far....
   One student has told me he heard I was mean.  I asked, "By whom?"  He replied it was his brother, but when he told me who is brother was...I was totally confused.  I don't even know who it is.  So, he then adds, "Well, it might not have been you, it could've been that other teacher."
     One student, whose sister was in my class three years ago, has already gifted me a piece of artwork to add to my wall.
     I've had a handful of parents already sending me either emails, FB messages, or Class Dojo messages communicating difficulties or questions, so we can work together to ensure we have a productive year.
     A couple of my students are the nephews of previous students.  Connections usually make things go more smoothly.
     One of my girls is my first "second generation" student.  Her dad wasn't in my personal classroom, but he was a student in the 6th grade class where I completed a medical leave about 25 years ago.  I chuckled when he told me that he told his daughter NOT to tell me who her father was...(Dad was a bit of a challenging student back as a 6th grader).
     Then, there was the student who had stated frequently...
         "I love this class."
         " Is it already time to go?  This day goes way too fast."
            and today's...
         "I love this school.  I love our class.  I love you."

My cup runneth over.

     However, even the most challenging years have been good years.  Why?  Challenges make us grow stronger.  As teachers, challenges help us improve our classroom management, differentiation, and/or teaching strategies.  Perhaps, they help increase our resolve to make a difference.   There have been a few of my 23 years where I've had to remind myself that there's a reason that this combination of students landed in my classroom, and God has a purpose for me being their teacher. 

     You see, I believe in a sovereign God.  This means, I believe my steps are ordained by my Creator...even the steps that lead me through storms or into valleys.  Even in those storms and valleys, I come away with something good, and I can glorify the One who gave me the passion for this profession.

What about you?  Regardless of your life's path, what can you learn from today?  How can you grow from yesterday?  What good can come from your storm?  How can your journey be used for His glory? 

Yes, sometimes I ponder the big questions.  Yet other times, I ponder the small.  What little thing can I do tomorrow to make a difference in the life or lives of the kiddos in my classroom?  Be the one who steps up to shine Light in the darkness.  Get plugged in to the power of the Word of God and speak and do the truths you read.

Well...that's all the pondering I have time for right's your day/week/year look?

"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them."  Romans 8:28

"For God, who said, 'Let there be light in the darkness,' has made this light shine in our heart, so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ." 2 Corinthians 4:6