Friday, August 19, 2016

Lessons to Learn...

Some people say our job is to get students to score high enough on the government-mandated-standardized tests to PROVE something.
Some people say our job is to help students learn to enjoy learning in order to make a world of lifelong learners.
Some people say our job is to babysit school-age children while their parents work, so the parents don't have to worry about anything.
Some people say....

Well, some people say we do our job well, but we don't get enough respect...through word or action.
Some say we fail to do our job and therefore politicians who understand how to teach so much better than those of us who were trained to do so should come into our buildings and tell us what to do (read with sarcasm...sorry, I couldn't help myself.)
Some say.....

Well, you know what I say?
I say...;I teach because I have a God-given passion to do so.
I say....I teach the students who find themselves in Room 302 to the best of my ability knowing that each of them didn't just happen to be placed in my class...but they're there for a reason.
I say...I'll be creative in my planning, use the standards as a guide, and in the end...regardless of the test scores...or the governor's stance....or the presidential candidate's son's condemning words...I will teach the student....not the test.... and not for the test...and not for the "school letter grade"....but because it's my passion.

You see...
I teach.
I teach students that seeing an item in a pan of water...isn't just an object in water, but it's a chance to observe what's going on and to learn from it. [Did it float or sink?  Why?]
I teach students that when they enter the restroom to be the one to reach down (using a paper towel) and to pick up the used paper towels that are on the floor because someone else didn't respect the school or custodian enough to put it in the trash can.
I teach my students that asking a new student to play at recess shows what type of person you really are.
I teach my students what they haven't learned and review what they have learned in order to be able to reach their goal...of making it to fourth grade...and wherever life takes them.
I teach my students that ALL people can learn at ALL just have to be looking for the lesson.

Proverbs 22:6

"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it."

So...what have I learned?

I learned during my first year of teaching that sending a defiant & disruptive student outside to feed the birds or to the gym to shoot baskets with the assistant principal doesn't teach him to respect or to be responsible.  It teaches him if he disrupts my class that he will get out of my class to do something more fun.  But I also learned that showing that same student that I like him regardless of his actions did much more in helping my class improve.  We all need to be accepted on both our good and bad days!

I learned that sometimes giving a student who lives with a father who doesn't quite "get" a girl's hair a purple hairbrush can show love.  When the nurse would use her purple brush to brush out the tangles, I didn't think much about it.  But, ten years later when I bump into that third grader as an adult in the dairy aisle of Kroger's, that purple brush is THE memory that she shares.  She may or may not have learned other lessons, but she learned that people cared about her needs.

I learned that being consistent in my expectations, even when it prompts weekly (and sometimes daily) discipline shows a boy that you care.  When emotional and home life challenges are overwhelming, sometimes just consistently expecting "the best" from him will make an impact....even if you don't see it before the end of the year.  That boy may later become a senior who writes about how you never gave up on him and helped him to start making better choices. [Yep, that one prompted tears.]

I learned that what others say about someone isn't always true.  Like the girl who entered my room at the end of 2nd grade and uttered the comment, "I heard you're mean," with her nose snarled up.  I explained to all of them that EVERY teacher has a MEAN teacher who COMES OUT when she has to, but no teacher enjoys being a mean teacher.  In the four years that have passed since that day, I have found great joy in reminding her of those words.  When we would be laughing in class or doing a project, I would quickly gasp, "Quick! Somebody shut the door...we must keep the rumor alive!"  Then, on her birthday each year, I write "Happy Birthday from Your Mean Teacher" on her FB wall.  She replies, "Don't tell anyone but that mean teacher is my favorite teacher." [Aw, my cup runneth over.]

I learned that sometimes...the most challenging years are filled with the most lessons.
-How the angriest student I've ever taught has a good reason to be angry and day-by-day caring for him and trying to get a smile to shine through will chip away at the volcano. [I have several photographs to prove the smiles.]
-How the behavior of some students can so grate your spirit, but those same children will sit across from you at lunch and talk with a smile about things going on in his/her life.
-How students sometime push the envelope just to see if they can push it too far, and when they do...will regret the behavior as tears fall.
-How a child can be having a perfectly good day and then one small misstep triggers an explosion of emotion and anger and that simply breathing, patting him on the back, and reminding him that when he calms down that he needs to do whatever is next...can sometimes be all that is needed to calm the explosion and getting the "good day" to return.
-How students who make good choices daily in a room challenged by students who tend to make negative choices will take every corrective discussion to heart and will have tears in the evening regardless of being one of a handful who made good choices with the substitute in your absence.  So, I have to daily remind her that the "mean teacher face/voice" was not ever aimed at her behavior.
-How during those challenging years...the teacher may learn just as much as the students in her class.  My lessons learned weren't character analysis and finding evidence in a story...they were character analysis and finding evidence of the students in my room...and along the way analyzing my own character and finding evidence of my own growth as a teacher.

Proverbs 1:5

"Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance..."

Yes....teaching is full of lessons learned and yet to learn.  What shall we learn today?

2 Peter 3:18

"But grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen"

Monday, June 6, 2016

Who Am I?

Who am I?  Where am I?....

Those questions always make me think of a soap opera.  There was a time when I looked forward to sitting down and watching "The Days of Our Lives".  Then the changing of technology prompted my removal of it from my daily watch list...and you know what?  I didn't miss it.  Of course, on a summer day or maybe a snow day, I would happen upon the NBC channel while it was on...and I thought, "Wow!  I can't imagine watching this again."  Now, don't get me wrong...I still enjoy watching Chicago Fire and Quantico and a few other shows each week, but there's no show that holds me captive.

I digress....The actual prompting of this blog was my experience this morning at VBS.  Due to an educational conference on Tuesday & Wednesday, today and Thursday are the only mornings I'll be lending my talents to VBS.  What talent?  Legitimate question...the voices in my head. Ha!

This morning from 10-11:45 I was "Ima Talker" and "Willy Findit".  They are puppets delivering the news during a "time warp" that took kids back to the days of Noah.  Now, I've done puppets for about 20 years, and there are lots of voices in my head.  So, I didn't know which voice was going to "jump out" to bring life to these puppets.

Now, we started with the youngest group, which I didn't interact with.  They met my sidekick who voiced the puppet "Sunny".  But, soon afterward, the kindergarten & first graders wandered into the "ocean" for the lesson.  One student, and I have no clue who since I was hidden behind my puppet corner kept asking, "Are they alive?"  Finally, someone answered and said, "No, they're just puppets."

Then, the second and third graders arrived.  Now some of those kiddos know that "Miss Jodi" generally voices the puppets, so one girl kept saying "hi" to Susie or to Miss Jodi.  At some point, when a new diver said, "Who's back there?" she said, "That's Miss Jodi & someone else."  I chuckled to myself as I assured my sidekick not to worry about disguising her voice since the students wouldn't know she was back there with me.

Finally, the oldest class of 4th-6th graders arrived.  They interacted with the puppets, but they had reached the point in life where the novelty and excitement of puppets have transitioned to an acknowledgement that they were simply story props helping to teach the lesson.

 Who am I?

So, in the span of two hours, I was three people...Miss Jodi, Ima Talker, & Willy Findit.  Then, I focused on being Aunt Jodi and treated my nephew to a Mexican meal for lunch.  By 1:00, I ventured into being Jasper's loyal subject, promptly feeding him when he nipped at my ankles.  Alas, when I finish this post, I'll become Miss Pflaumer a while as I read Motivating Students Who Don't Care in case I can learn a few things to help me improve as a teacher during my 21st year in third grade.  Of course, I'm also "just Jodi" who needs to finish her laundry, wants to finish reading a book, and longs to sneak in a summertime siesta.

Yes, who am I? is not an easy question to answer.  But....

Whose am I?  

That answer is much easier.  I am not a puppet to a puppeteer, but I am the daughter of a King.  I am a follower of the great Jehovah, so I know Who is guiding my steps and hopefully my words.  I am a child of the Father of my Savior.  I am alive...not just now, but I will live eternally.  I am a worshiper of Christ.  I am...His.  I am His all The Days of My Life.  I pray that I never lose the excitement or joy of having Him in my life...that my salvation never becomes just a prop in my story.

Yes, I am His.     Are you?

Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making His appeal through us.  We implore you on behalf of Christ be reconciled to God.
2 Corinthians 5:20

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Words, Words, Words! How Do You Use Yours?

     As I meander through 302 packing up my books & teaching materials, I'm overwhelmed by two things.  First....the dust, much too big to be bunnies...rambling around the ground like tumbleweeds. Second, the power of words.

     The latter is the focus of today's post.  Lots of words have been running through my thoughts this morning, so I thought I'd share a few.

  This is boring!

I'm sure many parents are going to hear this one frequently over the coming weeks.  To me, it's one of the worse things for me to hear my students say.  Why?  Because it means my effort to create an engaging lesson has fallen short for at least that one student.  However, I can choose how I react.  I can confront the comment or use it to jump-start my next effort to improve the next lesson.

I'm going to miss you, Miss P.

On the other hand, this is one of the sweetest comments I've heard over the past two weeks.  It seems my lively classroom that struggled with self-control did have a positive impact on some students.  Over the past two weeks, several of my kiddos started becoming a bit clingy and saddened when the end of the year was mentioned.  In fact, on the last day, after I waited out a noisy outburst, I read "Last Day Blues".  One of my girls told me it wasn't a nice story to read.  When I asked why, she explained, "The kids made her (the teacher) a present and told her they'd miss her, and the teacher was too happy about being on break."  I explained that regardless of how much a teacher loves her students and enjoys her job that EVEN teachers are excited about summer break.  That didn't make much difference in her opinion about the book.  Seems no matter how much I tell them that they'll be missed and they can come see me in the fall that students want to see that their teacher will be devastated by their departure from her daily life.

I hope I'm in your room, Miss Pflaumer!

This may be one of the sweetest comments I heard over the last nine-weeks.  At least once a week, a second grader would look at me and say, "I want to be in your third grade class".  Some would simply emphatically declare that they WILL be in my class.  Not sure if they know something that I don't , if they have psychic skills (lol), or if they are hoping it comes true.  Then, there were parents who would utter the just as encouraging comment, "I know a second grader who really hopes she's in your room" or "I hope my son is in your class next year."  Those comments always make my day.  It means I must be doing something least I hope that's what it means.


I believe the final time I heard that word with the accompanying eye-roll was Wednesday, May 18, after recess.  When attempting to talk down a volatile situation, the word came out, the head turned, and eyes rolled.  Sadly, that triggers my inner beast like the color red in a bull ring!  After a few quick breaths to calm myself, I was able to wait and calm the child.  Hand on his shoulder, I sent him off to special class with a pep talk.  "I know you had a bad morning, but let's have a great afternoon."  Here's hoping...

I love reading your writing...

Well, as an elementary teacher who ADORES words, this may be one of those non-teaching compliments that makes my heart smile the most.  Whether it's Facebook posts, Sunday School e-mails, note cards, or a blog post...I try to use that love of writing to encourage others.

Why does your hair look different today?

This was uttered by the same student who said "whatever", but this one made me chuckle.  On our last day of school, we enjoyed PTO Field Day.  So, we're going inside the school and outside on the playground and school lawn.  So, my hair was not at it's best.  So, as this student was reading the note I wrote him in his autograph booklet, he questioned, "Why does your hair look different today than in that picture?"  So, I chuckled, literally out loud, and said, "Well, that was a good hair day and this is a windy frizzy hair day."  This made a few of them chuckle...including me.

I prayed for you...

Whether it's a student's parent who tells me they prayed their child would be in my class...
Whether it's a secret pal who shares that she prayed for me throughout the school year...
Whether it's a friend on the telephone who offers to pray with me as we're talking back during our college years....
Knowing that someone who shares your faith is praying to the One who holds me in His hand is lifting me up...just makes my heart smile.

Yes, words are powerful.  But, as I pack up my teacher's desk, I see all the Word that I have on magnets stuck to my metal teacher's desk...

"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me."     Psalm 51:10
"Be still, and know that I am God."     Psalm 46:10
"Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content." Philippians 4:11
"And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him."     Colossians 3:17

What do your words say about you?