Our pastor challenged us to write down everything we're thankful for at some point this week. Honestly, if I did that, I would never get out of room 302 today, so I'll just share a few thankful thoughts.
I'm thankful for my family. My parents & I go to breakfast most Saturdays and simply share a meal and conversation. Some weeks we can't due to their trips or my "to do list" at school, but most weeks I end it with breakfast with them. My sisters were the ones I either played dolls with (Dianna) or played outside with (Sherry) when we were growing up. We may have fusses here and there, but sisters...are sisters, regardless of what goes on. Then, there's my "most favorite nephew in the whole entire world". When he was little, that's what I would always say after telling him to "guess what". [Psst, when he was a newborn his mom/my sister was in the hospital for a week, and I took the week off {we ended up missing the whole thing due to snow}. I would say, "Remember, I'm your favorite aunt, but that's our secret." So, I guess you shouldn't tell anyone I did that. Ha!]
I'm also thankful for my "extended family". My grandpa and his brothers are no longer with us, but their memory and place in my heart are still just as strong. We grew up going to "the farm" for Thanksgiving. We'd dress in layers since Orville always kept the house SO WARM. Then, after a big dinner, it would be time for euchre and more euchre. I can't remember the last time I played. Then, there's my dad's sister. It was so good to see her and my uncle when my parents celebrated their 50th anniversary in September. Sadly, it had been much too long since our last visit. Now, thanks to the creation of Facebook, we at least get to communicate and share a little of our lives with each other.
Then, I'm thankful for my church family. I've been a member of Calvary Baptist Church since I was in fourth grade. Our parents led us to join back on Easter Sunday that first year in Madison. Through its children's ministry and especially youth ministry, I grew in my walk with Christ and learned more about His Word. People like Tommy Campbell and Steve Flowers, who both served as youth pastors during my junior high, high school, and college years had a huge impact on my spiritual growth. Then,after graduating from Carson-Newman, I would either lead the children, help with the youth, or help with the children. It was this "family" who told me to start singing, and I've not stopped. In fact, our current music minister is allowing me to help lead in worship this Sunday to "kick-off" the Christmas season. What a blessing to worship, learn, and serve in a church that stands on Truth and doesn't water down His gospel!
Of course, I can't forget to express my gratitude for the career God has given me. I knew back in Gary, Indiana, on a missions trip in 1986 that I was "called" to a career with children. That calling led me to Carson-Newman and a major in elementary education. Then, after four L--O--N--G years of substituting, I was offered a job teaching 3rd grade at Southwestern. When I graduated, I was hoping for fourth grade (like my practicum with Mrs. Word) or fifth grade (like my student teaching with Mrs. Collins), but it was a group of third grade teachers & administrators who saw my potential as a third grade teacher. For that and for them, I am grateful.
With my career, I'm thankful for the nineteen crops of children who have been planted in my classroom. I've attempted to be the best farmer possible. Some seeds sprouted more quickly or taller than others, but all the seeds sprouted and grew. Whether "my third grader" is 8/9 in this year's class or 27/28 and a veteran or parent...I'm thankful for all my "boys" and "girls".
Along the way, I've developed some precious friends who have given me a spirit of thanksgiving throughout the year. Some I have taught with, some I went to school with, and others I worship with...all are precious and such blessings!
Then, there are countless "little things"...from a feline who finds unwanted mice and hasn't dropped one on my bed yet (sadly, he did jump up with one in his mouth...but I coaxed him down before he opened his mouth. Ugh!)....the joy of purple...the gift of music...fuzzy socks...and a home-cooked meal. Little things cause thankfulness, too.
Yet, my final thankful thought must be my faith and the One in whom my faith is in. Back in 3rd grade, I accepted Jesus as my Savior. I shared this decision with Calvary Baptist Church, in Shelbyville, IN, where I was baptized. I fail Him daily, but I strive to become the woman of God He's created me to be. I pray I can be a light that shares His truth and love with others. Sadly, sometimes, I focus on "me" a bit too much and forget to shine.
Hmmm...that sounds like a New Year's blog post just waiting to happen!
So....Happy Thanksgiving to any and all who read this post or share life's journey with those who read it. Blessings to you and yours.